Selasa, 16 September 2014

# PDF Download Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

PDF Download Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

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Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

PDF Download Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

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Office Duties #1, by Mac Flynn

Office duties just got a lot more fun.

Sam Olsen was looking to climb up the corporate ladder to better her life when she happened upon this great job opening higher up in her company. To her surprise she landed the position, but she also caught the eye of the reclusive Vice-President of the company. She was in for a lot more than filling staplers as the boss gave her a memorable orientation.

  • Published on: 2012-12-24
  • Released on: 2012-12-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Author
Looking for other delicious demonic reads?  Try out some of my other series!

Incubus Among Us:
Office Duties:

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.

By Lisa Marie
A new job a new boss. But this boss has more persuasion than most it's almost magical. Will she become lost

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
No ending
By Mraff
No ending - you have to read the next book. Didn't like it

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One Star
By Brenda Dunn
couldnt download and open so cant make a review

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